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How to answer and decline feedback requests in Elofy?

In this article, you will learn how to reply a feedback and decline requests.

Atualizado há mais de 2 anos

This article is intended for administrators, managers and employees. If you want to

understand more about access profiles, click here.

In order to visualize them, click on ‘Feedbacks’ in Elofy’s Top Menu.

How to Reply to a Feedback Request?

Step 01

To reply to the request, click on ";Send Feedback", in the Requested Feedback type.

NOTE - On your screen, you can filter just by the type "they asked me", for my vision, and "requested", for my team and company.

Step 02

When you click on it, the editing screen will open for you to write the feedback.

Fill in the boxes with the information, as shown below.

  1. Write the feedback in accordance with the feedback type chosen by the requester. If it is a questionnaire, a box will appear for each question in the chosen template;

  2. If you want, attach your company's values related to the feedback you sent;

    • This step is only available if your company registers values in the platform. Also, you can determine how many values the users can choose to send feedbacks. To learn more about it, click here.

  3. To finish, Click Send.

NOTE - After sending feedback, it is no longer possible to edit or delete it.

How to decline feedback requests?

Step 01

To decline a feedback request, click ‘Deny request’ in the Requested Feedback type.

Step 02

In the new window, explain the reason for declining the request (mandatory).

To finish, click ‘Send’.

And that's it!

If you have any questions, please contact us, we will be glad to help!

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