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Survey types in Elofy

Find out all the existing types of surveys in Elofy and how to set them up.

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There are 6 different types of surveys that can be created in Elofy.

This article is intended for administrators. Survey creation in Elofy is restricted to administrator users, to learn more about it, click here.

To activate, go to settings > profiles > administrator > surveys tab. Enable the ‘view and edit’ options for the entire company's users:

Once activated, you just have to click on one of the options below and go straight to the wanted survey.

1 - Polls

Polls are usually quick and short surveys to be applied to your employees. Rating, NPS or single choice questions are used. In Elofy, they will be highlighted on each collaborator's home page. Check out the model below:

After answering, the blue banner with the questions will disappear from the profile.

Learn how to create a poll by clicking here.

2 - Standard Survey

This is the most used and versatile model in the platform. You can create your climate surveys, engagement surveys, or surveys on any other subject. You can use the following types of questions: single choice, qualitative, rating, NPS or opinion scale.

In Elofy, they will be shown in the "Pending Items" of each employee's profile. See the example below:

In order to answer, a new window with the question sheet will be opened. Just like the example below:

After answering all the questions and submitting the survey, the pendency will also disappear from the user's profile.

Learn how to create a standard survey by clicking here.

3 - Temporal Survey

Temporal surveys are widely used for onboarding or period-end surveys in the company. You can use the following types of questions: single choice, qualitative, rating, NPS, or opinion scale.

In its settings, you must inform the "company time" calculated from the admission date that is in the user's record to release the survey. For example, if you want that after a week in the company, the person receives the invitation to respond to the survey you must inform the value in 7 days.

You can also create temporal surveys specific to each team in your company, in other words, in addition to the criteria of time in the company, there may be a survey for employees who just joined the marketing team, for example.

Moreover, you can select whether it will be answered only by the person, by their manager, or by peers (that will be chosen by their manager). And you can choose different questionnaires for each.

Temporal surveys will be visible in the profile automatically, in the same template as the standard surveys.

Learn how to create a temporal survey by clicking here.

4 - Pulse Survey

Pulse surveys have automated frequency, in other words, you can define how often they will happen for your collaborators, which can be: daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly.

In addition, you can set the number of questions per pulse and choose the target audience so that it happens only for some specific teams in your company.

Another great feature is the question bank that includes 100 questions, developed by a specialist in the methodology, divided into 10 categories: engagement, psychological security, personal growth, alignment, feedback, innovation, ambassadorship, happiness, relationships, and satisfaction.

They are widely used to measure the "pulse" of the employees relative to a specific question. In this template, you can use the "opinion scale" question type, creating pulses from scratch, using the question bank or the engagement pulse template developed by Elofy.

Pulse surveys will be visible in the profile automatically, in the same template as the standard surveys.

Learn how to create a pulse survey by clicking here.

5 - Dismissal Survey

The dismissal survey is an important resource for generating relevant data about the corporate culture and also for improving the organization's processes.

Moreover, the dismissal interview also helps to establish a culture focused on dialogue, which can contribute to lowering the turnover rate, since employees will realize that the company appreciates the opinion of the people who are part of it.

With it, you can use "single choice, qualitative, NPS or rating" type questions and its submission can happen in the platform if the employee is still active, or by external link, from the email.

Learn how to create a dismissal survey by clicking here.

6 - Sentiment thermometer

Simplicity is a highlight of this survey type. The greatest benefit is the mapping of the sentiments of your company's employees with more agility.

The main insights from the Surveys are:

  1. The clarity of the sentiments highlighted

  2. The short time taken to fill out the survey

  3. The simple data compilation

This is a daily survey that appears every day for employees on the "my vision" screen. It can be anonymous or not.

Learn more about the sentiment thermometer by clicking here.

And that’s it!!

If you have any questions, please contact us, we'll be glad to help!

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