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How to create the questionnaire and the Temporal Survey?

Here's a quick and easy way to learn how to perform a temporal survey.

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This article is intended for administrators. If you want to understand more about access profiles, click here.

The temporal survey is a trial period survey. That is, it is intended for employees the moment they complete a certain number of days at the company. In this article, you will learn how to create this type of survey.

We have divided this article into two sections. Click on one of the options below to go straight to what you want to read:

Creating the questionnaire

Step 01

Go to settings > questionnaires.

Step 02

In the questionnaires screen, click on ‘+ create questionnaire’.

Step 03

In the questionnaire screen, fill in the following information:

  1. Questionnaire name: Define the questionnaire name;

  2. Type: Select the ‘researchers’ type;

  3. Status: Select the ‘active’ option. If you want to deactivate it later, just search for the name of your questionnaire, click on edit, and change the status to ‘no’.

Step 04

In addition, it is very important that you define the type of questionnaire you want to use:

a - Single-Choice: You can specify and type the options that will appear in the ruler. In this question type, you can choose one of the available answers. The numbers in percentages next to each answer option indicate the order in which they will appear within the question.

b - Qualitative: Open field question so that the respondent can write his/her own answer.

c - Rating: This is a kind of ‘evaluation’. In the question settings, you can choose between Stars (Satisfaction), Hearts (Satisfaction) and Emoticons. The respondent will evaluate the question according to the rating type chosen.

You can choose different scales for the Star, Hearts and Emoticons rating types, as indicated in the images:

*Example of rating type: STAR:

*Example rating type: HEARTS:

*Example rating type: EMOTICONS:

d - NPS questions: These are satisfaction questions to identify the company's promoters, neutrals and detractors. It has the following scales: NPS 0-10, 1-10, 0-5, 1-5.

e - Opinion Scale: Agreement Scale. You can customize the text of each quadrant of the favorability ruler, parameterizing it in a 5-point scale according to your survey:

NOTE - Once the questionnaire is linked to an IN PROGRESS survey, it should not be possible to change the field “Scale of ruler points”. Thus, it is only possible to change the scale of the question after the surveys linked to the questionnaire are in the “Finished” status.

NOTE - If the justification option is checked, the field becomes mandatory for users when answering the survey.

Add as many questions as you want to your survey:

Step 05

To finish creating the questionnaire, click on Save.

It is important to emphasize that the temporal survey can include up to 3 evaluations (Self-Evaluation, Manager Evaluation, and Peer Evaluation). Given the changing language in each phase, you can create a questionnaire for each one.

Creating the temporal survey

Once the questionnaires are done, follow the steps below to run the trial period survey.

Step 01

Go to Surveys > Surveys.

Step 02

In the surveys screen, click on +New survey.

Step 03

Fill out the fields required for the survey:

  1. Survey name: Enter a name for the survey;

  2. Anonymous: Choose whether the survey will be anonymous or not;

  3. Objective (optional): Describe the survey's objective.

  1. Type: Select the type "Temporal Survey";

  2. Company Time: Specify the number of days after admission the employee should receive the survey;

  3. Situation: Select "active";

  4. Reviewers: Choose which stages you wish to be included in the survey (Self-assessment, Manager's evaluation and Peers' evaluation);

  5. Questionnaire: For each stage, select the corresponding questionnaire.

Step 04

Specify whether all employees who meet the company time criteria will receive the survey, or only specific teams.

  • You can target the survey to one or more specific teams, so in addition to the company time criteria, you can also create different types of surveys by teams – for example: If you select 20 days and a specific marketing team, only employees with 20 days of company time and from the marketing team will receive the survey;

  • Whenever you have new employees joining the company, Elofy will determine which survey the user fits into, taking into account the team and the company time.

Step 05

There are a few options related to the standard survey and the poll:

Notifications: You can enable the option to send a reminder email to those who have not responded to the survey and choose the day of sending.

Introduction: You can specify an introduction that will be shown to the user before answering the survey.

Message: You can send an email to the survey audience:

Step 06

To finalize the survey configuration, click Save.

Your survey will automatically be displayed on the profile screen of the employees who are part of the filter stipulated by the company time category (and by the teams category, if you have defined a specific audience for the survey).

And that’s it!!

If you have any questions, please contact us, we'll be glad to help!

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