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How to create, edit and measure a base indicator?

In this article, you will learn how to create, edit, measure, and disable a base indicator.

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This article is intended for administrators. If you want to understand more about access profiles, click here.

In Elofy, your company can create a catalog of base indicators, that is, a catalog of key results that can be used by users to create KRs.

To make your search easier, we have divided this article into 03 sections, if you want to go straight to what interests you, just click on one of the options below:

Settings previous to the creation of base indicators

Who can create a base indicator?

To access this feature, you must have an administrator profile in Elofy with access to the base indicators.

Go to: settings > profiles > OKRs tab. Enable the options "view and edit" for the entire company, in the performance indicators list.

Settings of the key results in the cycle window

Some fields of the base indicator creation are affected depending on the settings of the cycle window made by the company:

In order to cover all cases, an example will be introduced considering all enabled fields in the cycle window settings.

How to create, edit and disable a base indicator?

Step 01

First of all, access the performance indicators list, in the OKRs menu.

Step 02

You will find two methods of creating the base indicator catalog:

  • Catalog import - to understand how the import works, click here or

  • Creating the catalog from scratch - as will be displayed in the following steps.

Step 03

In order to add a base indicator to the catalog, click on the "+ performance indicators" option.

Step 04

In the creation screen, fill in the information as displayed below.

  1. Name: define the indicator's name. Be clear and accurate, so that all users will understand what it is all about.

  2. Period: define the corresponding period of the indicator.

  3. Cycle: specify the cycle it will belong to, within the chosen period.

  4. Responsible Person: specify the responsible person for the achievement of the base indicator's success.

  5. Score type: specify whether it will be a qualitative or quantitative indicator.

  6. Situation: specify the status as enabled so that it appears for users, or disabled so that it does not appear in the catalog.

  7. Minimum: used if the user cannot reach the goal value. What is the minimum acceptable value?

  8. Starting point: in the starting point, you will define where the indicator is numerically coming from.

  9. Objective: in the target, you can define where you want to get to numerically.

  10. Maximum: if the user is able to extrapolate the goal value. What is the maximum acceptable value?

  11. Maximum 2: the second maximum acceptable value, if the user exceeds the first limit.

  12. Type: specify the type, and it can be greater-better, less-better, or an action plan:

    • To reduce: this type is used when the indicator must be less than the current one.

    • To raise: used when there is a need to boost the target relative to the current indicator.

    • Action Plan: used to identify the key results that require activities to be measured.

  13. Measurement Unit: specify the measurement unit of the base indicator.

  14. Calculation method: choose the calculation method. This affects the current value that will be used for the progress calculation:

    • Average - sum all and divide it by 12.

    • Proportional measurement - divide it by the number of check-ins made.

    • Absolute total - Sum of lines filled.

    • Last filled line - value of the most recent check-in.

    • Manual - it uses the value indicated as current, applicable only for annual periodicity.

  15. Frequency: Here you can choose between monthly, quarterly, four-monthly, semiannual, annual, monthly and partial.

    • Don't forget that the maintenance objective periodicity is equal to how often the system will verify if the objective has been maintained during the duration of the objective;

    • Additionally, you can only specify the periodicity if the company has not defined it in the cycle window settings.

  16. Maintenance: specify if the base indicator is a maintenance type, in other words, the objective is a value to be maintained (for example: the starting point is 10 and the objective is 10)

  17. Weight: Define the value that the base indicator will have within the objective in which it will be used.

    • Don't forget that if the scale of 10 or 100 is chosen in the cycle window settings, the sum of the key results in the user's objective will not exceed the chosen value. For example: If the user creates an objective and imports a base indicator that weighs 10, the user will not be able to import another one or create another key result.

    • In addition, if the scale lock is enabled at 10 or 100, you can only use a base indicator by the user in the objective.

  18. Type of information: specify the numerical treatment that will be given to your starting point, objective, minimum and maximum objective and maximum 2.

  19. Update Method: The automatic update will update the user's key result whenever there is an update in the base indicator.

  20. Description: Provide some context so that users can understand why the base indicator was created and how it will help achieve the objectives;

  21. Dimension: A second text box - only appears on this screen for a later query.

  22. Origin: A third text box - only appears on this screen for a later query.

After filling in the information, click save.

Step 05

Your indicator will be listed in the base indicator catalog:

Step 06

To edit it, click on the indicator's name and then on the "edit" option.

Now you just have to edit the base indicator information as you want. However, don't forget that if this indicator is already being used by users, any change will affect the key results you create.

How to measure the base indicator?

In order to maintain the progress of your company's objectives, in addition to creating the base indicator, you must make measurements of progress, according to what was established at the time of creation.

Step 01

Locate your base indicator in the catalogs screen and then click on its name.

Step 02

On the base indicator screen, choose the measurement period (the screen will show the months, according to the periodicity defined for the indicator). After choosing it, click on the editing pencil.

Step 03

In the measurement, there are 05 boxes to fill in: partial target, current value, feeling, description and attachment.

Don't forget that if the update method is automatic, any measurement made on the base indicator will produce an update on the child key results created by the users. If the update method is manual, the measurements will not affect the key results created, since it will be the responsibility of each user to make their own measurements.

  • Partial target: Enter the partial objective for the month or period used, in other words, if the final objective, for example, is 50 and in the month of the check-in you need to reach 20, enter this value as a partial objective.

  • Current value: Enter the current progress value of the key result, for example, on the day of the measurement the indicator is at 15.

  • Feeling: Define a sentiment on how the progress of the base indicator is going (it won't reach, it will reach, or it is almost there).

  • Description: Write a comment about what you think is important to record about the progress of the base indicator.

  • Attachment: If you think it is necessary, add files of up to 5mb related to the measurement.

NOTE - When registering a measurement, the system takes around 05 minutes to update the information.

And that’s it!!

If you have any questions, please contact us, we'll be glad to help!

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