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How to import a base indicator catalog and periodic indicator results?
How to import a base indicator catalog and periodic indicator results?

All you need to know to perform your first indicator import.

Updated over 2 years ago

This article is intended for administrators. If you want to understand more about access profiles, click here.

The import feature is intended to help you import a large volume of base indicators, indicator results or base indicator updates at once into an excel spreadsheet.

This article has been divided into 4 main topics, if you want to get straight to what you are interested in, you can click on one of the options below:

All you need to set up before importing

Step 01

The first step is to guarantee that the feature is enabled for your company, as well as that the administrator user has access to this feature.

Go to the menu Settings > Profiles. Choose the admin profile to enable the import feature.

In the OKRs > Performance Indicators List option, enable the options [x] View > [x] Edit > [x] Company.

Next in Admin > Importations, enable the options [x] View > [x] Edit > [x] Company.

Since this feature is linked to the software's administration, it does not restrict viewing and importing access only to Team and Team Members, Team Members, Managers or accessible Teams, but it also applies to all Company data. Therefore, carefully choose who will have access to the feature in your company.

NOTE: If your company is a group with several companies, you can go to the "Group" tab and enable the "Economic Group" view. When importing, this feature will allow you to view and import data not only for your company/entity in the group, but also for all the companies you want.

Step 02

The second aspect that directly impacts the use of the feature is linked to the settings of some indicator boxes in the periods that you want to perform some importing.

As a reminder, in the Settings > Cycle Settings screen, you can define the period (Ex: 2022) and the period cycles (Ex: 1st quarter, 2nd quarter) that will be enabled people to enter their objectives and key results.

However, in addition to this, it is possible in a period to assign a number of extra settings, such as making some key result field visible/mandatory or not.

The visibility/mandatory rules for the fields that impact the import are:

  • Default periodicity: If you assign a default periodicity to the key result, it means that you can only import base indicators with the default periodicity set. But if you use the " Don't use it" option, you can choose the periodicity in the spreadsheet settings.

  • Other fields: if the starting point, minimum objective, maximum objective, maximum objective 2, measurement unit, maintenance and score type are enabled, they also become mandatory when importing.

    • In order to import the maximum result 2, in addition to the field being enabled, it is necessary that the user responsible has the option "limit" in their position. Check by going to Settings > Positions > Position Details.

What types of imports are there and how do they work?

Once you have set up the access profile, and understood the visibility/mandatory impacts of the fields with the import, you can proceed to the actual import.

Step 01

The import feature is accessed via the performance indicators list in the OKRs menu.

Step 02

On the screen, the feature is accessed via the "import" button, next to the + performance indicator button.

Step 03

Once you click on the import button, you have three options: (1) Import Key Results Catalog, (2) Import Monthly Result, and (3) Overwrite Key Results.

  • Option (1) is for importing at once a large volume of base indicators for your company.

  • Option (2) is used to update, at once, the individual result indicators of a large number of employees. By using this option you can centralize and ensure the compliance of recurring KR updates of employees with the defined criteria and anticipate any aspect that may impact future processes, such as variable remuneration.

  • Option (3) is used to edit, at once, data from a large number of base indicators registered in Elofy. It is important to mention that updates in base indicators may or may not impact their child key results, depending on whether the update method established in these indicators is set to "automatic" or "manual". If it is "automatic", every update of this base indicator will impact the child key results, otherwise it will not.

Regardless of the choice, each one of the three options always has pre-formatted template spreadsheets to help you at import time.

1. Import a base catalog of indicators

Download example .xlsx file - This spreadsheet includes the columns that must be filled out for you to import the desired indicator base.

All columns include explanatory notes and mandatory or not mandatory rules. Keep in mind that the columns are directly affected by the visibility/mandatory rules of the fields defined in the cycle settings screen.

Download period reference spreadsheet - This spreadsheet is used to help set up the "Period ID" column of the aforementioned spreadsheet. The spreadsheet brings the following columns: ID Period, ID Company, Start Date, End Date and Description.

NOTE: The image data are merely illustrative and do not correspond to reality.

Download User Reference Spreadsheet - This worksheet is used to set up the "Responsible User ID" column of the base indicator import spreadsheet. The spreadsheet brings columns: User ID, User, Admission, Resignation, Manager, Email, Login, Position, Team, Profile, Active, CPF, Id_origin, and Id_company.

NOTE: The image data are merely illustrative and do not correspond to reality.

Download company reference spreadsheet - Only visible if you have in the permission assigned to the profile, the "Economic Group" view option enabled, as described in the first section of this article. This spreadsheet includes the "Company ID" of all the companies in the group and the spreadsheet for importing a base catalog of indicators has an extra column, "Company ID", that allows importing base indicators for several companies in the group at the same time.

2. import indicators monthly results

Download list of base indicators .xlsx file - The spreadsheet will show all the key results created from base indicators that are registered in the company.

Because this option was created to make the mass import of periodic results easier, it is important to pay attention to the periodicity entered in the "Periodicity" column.

If you assign results for every month of the year, but the periodicity of the indicator is set to "quarterly", Elofy will record all the results; however, in the indicator’s detail screen, you will only be able to see the results every three months. If you change the periodicity of the indicator detail to monthly, you will be able to see the results for all the updated months.

NOTE: The image data are merely illustrative and do not correspond to reality.

Download period reference spreadsheet - It has the same function as explained in the option to import the base indicators.

Download user reference spreadsheet - It has the same function as explained in the option to import the base indicators.

Download company reference spreadsheet - It has the same function as explained in the option to import the base indicator.

3. Overwrite Indicator Base

Download example .xlsx file - The spreadsheet will only show the base indicators registered in the platform. Therefore, the columns shown are the same as in the "import base indicators catalog" option.

Use this option if you want to change any field of the base indicators or impute periodic result values to these base indicators.

However, be aware that if in the base indicators, the update method is set to "automatic", the changes will affect the child key results, created from this base indicator.

NOTE: The image data are merely illustrative and do not correspond to reality.

Download period reference spreadsheet - It has the same function as explained in the option to import the base indicators.

Download user reference spreadsheet - It has the same function as explained in the option to import the base indicators.

Download company reference spreadsheet - It has the same function as explained in the option to import the base indicators.

Get to work: Importing from one of the 3 options

Now that you understand the import types and the steps that are included in the process, it is important to actually perform the import. Regardless of the option chosen, the flow is always the same: Choice, Upload, Mapping, and Preview.

Choose - Here you can download the template spreadsheet of the intended option, enter the data into the spreadsheet, and proceed to the next step.

Upload - Here you can upload the template spreadsheet that you have just entered the data to be imported.

Mapping - Here you can match the columns that are shown in the imported spreadsheet (on the left) with the existing fields in the product (on the right).

If you have used the template spreadsheet, the match will happen automatically. If you do not want to import a specific column, click on the "x" in the name of the unwanted field and this information will not be considered in the import.

Some fields are mandatory by default (Indicator Name, Period ID, Direction, Information Type, Weight, Objective, Periodicity, Update Method and Calculation Method), in this case you cannot advance to the next step without relating them to the columns identified in the spreadsheet.

Preview - Here you can double-check if the imported data is matching the correct columns, in addition to whether the fields listed or not in the matching step are being considered for the import step. If you notice any inconsistencies, you can click back and adjust the settings accordingly.

Finishing the Indicators Import

Analyzing the import history

Once the import is finished, you will be redirected to the history screen, where you will wait for the import status to be finished and changed from "In progress" to "Finished".

A new row will be added, with all the data from the import you have just performed:

  • Status - If "in progress", Elofy is still processing the newly imported indicators. If " finished", the process has been completed.

  • Date - Displays the import date and time.

  • What is being imported? - Which one of the 3 import options was performed.

  • Non-imported rows - Whenever an indicator is not imported, Elofy will report the number of non-imported rows. The number of rows is not exactly the same as the number of indicators. Each column that shows a problem in an indicator generates 1 non-imported row.

  • Spreadsheet- Here you can download the spreadsheet with only the indicators that were not imported, adjust them, and import them again.

  • Redo operation - After adjusting the columns that were the cause of the problem, by clicking this option, you can re-import the spreadsheet just to adjust the indicators that were not imported.

It is important to emphasize that Elofy will always import the indicators that had the correct data and will not import the indicators that had inaccurate data or did not comply with the mandatory rules.

Analyzing the Import Error Log

The logs show the problems found in the indicators that are being imported, so that the user can correct them.

  • Indicator name - The name of the indicator not imported.

  • Indicator Id - ID of the base indicator not imported. Here the ID only appears when it is a spreadsheet to import monthly results or overwrite base indicators.

  • Spreadsheet row - Number of rows with errors when importing the base indicators. Each row corresponds to one column of the indicator.

  • Error message - What was exactly wrong with the import, more specifically which columns caused the problem.

Redoing the spreadsheet import

After identifying the log errors, you can download the spreadsheet with the indicators with errors, adjust them, and click the import button to redo the operation.

After re-importing the failed indicators, the column " row not imported", should reset the previous information to zero and the buttons for "download spreadsheet" and "import" the indicator data should be disabled.

And that’s it!!

If you have any questions, please contact us, we'll be glad to help!

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