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How to set up a Performance Evaluation?

In this article you will learn how to set up and start a Performance Evaluation.

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NOTE - This article is intended for administrator users. Only company administrators on the platform can set up performance evaluations, if you want to know more about it click here.

Find out how to set them up and do your performance evaluation setup.

➡️Step 01

On the menu tab of your screen, click Career > Cycle Reviews.

➡️Step 02

Click +Cycle in the upper right corner of the screen.

➡️Step 03 (Basic Information)

Basic information is essential for your cycle. Answer as shown below:

  1. Cycle:

    The cycle is related to an evaluation category. It can be used, for example, in evaluations that have a different audience, and where some employees have pendencies in both evaluations. Therefore, the cycles are grouped in a single banner, which makes them easier to view. You can add an existing one or create a new one by clicking ‘+ Cycle’.

  2. Cycle review name:

    Enter a name for your cycle.

  3. Year:

    Select the year in which it will be run.

  4. Start quarter:

    Indicate the starting quarter of your cycle.

  5. End quarter:

    Indicate the ending quarter of your cycle.

    NOTE - Remember that choosing the start and end quarter has an impact on the results stage, in the evaluation of OKRs and initiatives, given that only goals and key results that are within the selected period will be considered, and initiatives that have end date/term within the quarters selected for the performance evaluation cycle. Thus, for example, if you want to assess the OKRs for the entire year, you must select the starting quarter as the 1st and the ending quarter as the 4th.

  6. From:

    Set the start date of the cycle.

  7. Until:

    Set the end date of the cycle.

  8. All people who have been admitted until the date below:

    Select the admission cutoff date for the cycle participants.

  9. Public type:

    Define if the evaluation will be for managers only, employees only, or both.

  10. Which scale do you want to use?

    Define the ruler that will be displayed on the performance evaluation and used for the calculation.

    • The rulers are the response rating of the people who will answer the cycle. Click here to learn how to set up a ruler for your performance evaluation.

  11. Assessment Results:

    If your evaluation has the results stage (evaluation by KR), define how the calculation will be made, based on the following options:

    • Ruler note - It assumes for the results evaluation step the same general ruler linked to the cycle.

    • Fixed Score - In the results evaluation step, the ruler will automatically fix the score according to the key result progress, without the evaluator user being able to change the point of the ruler. The ruler that connects the score of the ruler with the percentages of achievement of the key result is personalized per client and performed directly in the bank.

    • Suggest score - This works just like the score note. The difference is that here the automatically suggested score can be changed by the user, in contrast to the previous option.

    • Quantitative and Qualitative - A combination of the ‘Score Note’ and the ‘Suggest Score’. Here the system identifies which specific evaluation model will be used for this indicator by the ‘score type’ defined in the indicator (Quantitative or Qualitative). If it is quantitative, the system will use the "Score Note" model, if it is qualitative, it will use the ‘Suggest Score’ model.

  12. Responsible:

    The responsible person for the cycle is related to the "company or business partner" access permission (read more here);

    • The responsible person is the user who created the review cycle. If they have “Business partner” permission in their profile, they will only have access to those cycles where they are responsible or co-responsible;

    • Only an administrator user, with the “Company” permission, is able to access all review cycles registered on the platform;

    • Only users with the ‘Company’ or ‘Business partner’ permission will be listed;

    • The administrator user with the ‘Company’ permission is the only one allowed to change the responsible field, in other words, a "business partner" user, and a responsible or co-responsible person, cannot change this field.

      • When the administrator user performs a change, the new responsible user receives a notification by the Elofy bell;

    • If a responsible user loses permission to access review cycles, the administrator user must enter the user's cycle and add a new responsible user with the required permission.

  13. Co-responsible:

    It is added by the cycle responsible person or the administrator user (read more here).

    • The co-responsible field will only appear if there is at least 1 user with the ‘Company’ or ‘Business partner’ access permission;

    • Only users with the ‘Company’ or ‘Business partner’ permission will be listed;

    • When the administrator user performs a change, the new responsible user receives a notification by the Elofy bell.

  14. Active:

    Active or inactive your cycle.

    • What does it mean when a cycle is active or inactive?

      • Active: The performance evaluation will indicate the pending items in the employee's profile when you start the cycle. You can manage pending evaluations and select them in the reports.

      • Inactive: The performance evaluation will no longer indicate pending evaluations in the employee's profile, you will not be able to manage the pending evaluations, and the cycle will not be displayed in the reports to be selected.

➡️Step 04 (Review Cycle Staps)

After the initial cycle configuration, you have to create the Phases. Follow the directions to do the creation.

  1. Order:

    Indicate the sequence in which the phase will be displayed in the performance evaluation.

  2. ‘- or +’:

    Add a new phase by clicking on +, or delete a phase by clicking on -.

  3. Stage Name:

    Name the stage phase.

  4. Stage:

    Elofy has 5 different evaluation stages, select the ones you want your evaluation to include.

    4.1 Results: This is the standard evaluation and it focuses on the results achieved during the determined period. The Results stage can be performed in four ways: Evaluation of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), Evaluation by Initiatives, Evaluation by Roles and Responsibilities, and Evaluation based on a questionnaire. Click here to learn more about each one of them.

    4.2 Feedback: Apply a questionnaire to measure feedback inside the company. To set up this type of evaluation, you just have to select the "Feedback" option in the step field and select the wanted questionnaire.

    4.3 Competencies: Evaluate the employee by the competencies included in their position or team. Each competence can also be divided into behaviors for evaluation (optional). See how to set up this type of evaluation here.

    4.4 Potential: You can use a questionnaire to evaluate the person's potential. To set up this type of evaluation, you just have to select the "Potential" option in the step field and select the wanted questionnaire.

    4.5 Values: Identify if the company’s values are in accordance with the employee's actions. See how to set up this type of evaluation here.

  5. Questionnaire:

    Select a questionnaire for your step, if needed.

  6. Who will evaluate?

    You can choose the people who will evaluate the cycle, in other words, the evaluation range. Not all phases need to have all types of evaluation.

    6.1 Self-assessment: Each evaluation collaborator must self- evaluate themselves in the defined phases.

    6.2 Peers: Peers must be chosen to evaluate in defined phases. The peers can be chosen by the employees or by HR. This evaluation is recommended for employees of the same hierarchical level.

    • Allow employees to choose peers to evaluate them: In case you have defined a peers stage, select this option. Then, set the minimum and maximum number of peers that the employee can choose.

      • If you do not select this option, you must select peers for each evaluated person on the Manage Cycle screen. It is recommended that in this case you select peers before activating the evaluation. However, if you enable the evaluation first and choose the peers later, don't worry, an email and an Elofy bell notification will be sent to all those chosen.

    • Allow peer approval: Allows managers to approve, or not, the peers selected by their subordinates. Next, set the minimum and maximum number of peers that the manager can approve.

    • Limit the number of invitations peer reviewers/clients can receive peers: You can limit the maximum number of invitations users can receive to be reviewers, as peers, for other users;

      • Every time the person receives the maximum number of invitations allowed, the user's name cannot be clicked on the peer/client choice screen;

      • Whenever a user is chosen by someone, regardless of the manager's approval stage, it will count -1 from the total invitations;

      • If the evaluation has customer approval by a Manager, when the manager disapproves someone, that user has a credit again and becomes available again to be chosen as a peer.

    6.3 Internal customers: In this evaluation type, internal clients (company employees) can be chosen by the employees or by HR. It is recommended for evaluations between employees of different hierarchical levels.

    • Allow reviewers to choose customers to review them: You can specify how many internal clients each evaluated person can choose;

      • In case you do not select this option, you must select the clients of each evaluated person on the Manage Cycle screen. It is recommended that in this case you select clients before you activate the evaluation. However, if you enable the evaluation first and choose the clients later, don't worry, an email and an Elofy bell notification will be sent to all those chosen.

    • Allow approval of clients by the Appraisee's Manager: In case there is an approval stage, how many internal clients the Manager will be able to approve for the evaluated person?

    • Limit the number of invitations peer reviewers/clients can receive peers: You can limit the maximum number of invitations users can receive to be reviewers, as internal customers, for other users;

      • Every time the person receives the maximum number of invitations allowed, the user's name cannot be clicked on the peer/client choice screen;

      • Whenever a user is chosen by someone, regardless of the manager's approval stage, it will count -1 from the total invitations;

      • If the evaluation has customer approval by a Manager, when the manager disapproves someone, that user has a credit again and becomes available again to be chosen as a customer.

    6.4 Manager: The employee will receive an evaluation from their manager in the defined phases.

    6.5 Team: The employee will evaluate their manager as a team in the defined phases.

  7. Do you want to define the final average of this stage as an axis of the Ninebox?

    Define if the phase will include the X or Y axis of the Ninebox.

    NOTE: The X nine must be selected in one of the phases and the Y nine in the other phase, so that the phases are linked to the axes. If you want to learn more about it, click here.

  8. Phase Permissions:

    8.1 Visible results in Personal Performance: Allows the results of the phase to be displayed in a table in the personal performance report.

    8.2 Show Graph: If the results are visible in the personal performance, you can choose if the phase-related chart will be available.

    8.3 Allow comments on responses: Enables or disables a comment field under each question, competency or value.

    8.4 Mandatory Comments: Define whether or not comments will be mandatory in the stage.

➡️Step 05 (Cycle Management Screen)

Select the boxes to enable additional settings. Use the following process.

  1. Will managers be evaluated in the process?

    If you have chosen to have team evaluation in your cycle, it is important that this option is ticked if you want other employees to evaluate their managers.

  2. Enable peer selection for the HR manager:

    Select this tab if you want to allow the HR manager to select/change peers from the cycle management screen. This can be accessed in Career > Review Cycles > Manage.

  3. Allow visualization of the final concept in the PDF:

    Define if the appraisee's final concept will be displayed in the results PDF.

  4. Allow visualization of Nbox concept in PDF:

    Define whether the position in the appraisee's NBox will be displayed in the results PDF or not.

➡️Step 06 (Performance Screen)

The Performance Screen defines the additional screen settings where employees will access their personal reports.

  1. Display concepts instead of scores:

    Set whether or not concepts will appear in the employee’s reports instead of grades.

  2. Display the 9box concept to the employee:

    If the ninebox is used, choose whether or not the employee can view their final quadrant in the personal performance report.

  3. Show score:

    Set whether or not the final average/final rating will appear for the employee in the personal performance report.

  4. Display assessment scale:

    Define whether or not the ruler with its interval values and concepts will appear for the employee in their performance report.

  5. Show 'Your rating' column:

    In cases where more than one evaluator exists per audience type you can include a "Your Evaluation" column, so it is possible for a manager to compare the score they gave with the final average among the managers.

  6. Display consensus button:

    Here you choose whether or not the consensus button should be displayed next to the report button on the careers screen, allowing the manager to perform the consensus step with their team member without needing HR involvement.

  7. Enable team calibration in results phase:

    If you want that, besides the manager, the team will be able to calibrate the grade they gave to a user.

  8. Anonymization and concealment of responses by evaluator type:

    Options are not cumulative, you may choose only one of them, and if you choose none, the data will be open to the person being evaluated.

    NOTE - It's necessary that, at least, two options of the step Who will evaluate? from step 04 are selected so that the option 8.1 appears.

    8.1 Anonymize comments by reviewer type: Using this option, you can anonymize the comments per type of evaluation on the individual performance results screen.

    Example: When you anonymize the customers and peers’ step, the person being evaluated and their manager will not be able to associate the comment to the type of evaluation that will be registered as "anonymous evaluator", as shown in the image below:

    • It is only valid for comments, but not for grades.

    • It is only valid for the results screen, but not for PDF.

    • You have to select at least two evaluation types to anonymize.

    • The Manager won't be able to see the evaluation types, except for the comments left by them on the Managers step.

    8.2 Hide step data with less than 3 responsess: Using this option you can hide the grades and comments for the person being evaluated in steps with less than 03 answers:

    • Valid for results screen and PDF.

    • You can choose only one option to hide: peers, teams or clients.

    • Even if hidden for the person being evaluated, the Manager still has access to the data.

➡️Step 07 (Evaluation Execution Screen)

The Evaluation Execution Screen settings are directly linked to how the performance evaluation will be displayed during the response stage.

  1. Enable quick view of OKR's List and Feedback from people evaluated during the assessment steps

    Enables a Details button during the employee's evaluation, where the goals that the employee is involved in and the feedback directed to the employee are shown.

  2. To assess Objectives and Key Results

    Define whether or not the Results phase will show the goals and key results that the employee is involved in to be evaluated. By selecting this option, other options will become available:

    2.1 Evaluate those responsible for the Key Results: This option is the default, selected automatically when you select item 2. If you leave only this option checked, only the key result managers will be evaluated.

    2.2 Evaluate those responsible and co-responsible for the Key Results: Select this option if you want that besides the responsible persons, the co-responsible persons of the Key Result are evaluated.

    2.3 Not evaluating key results of strategic objectives: Select this option if you do not want to include strategic goals in the evaluation.

  3. Enable deliverables assessment

    Set whether or not the deliveries to be evaluated will appear in the Results phase and be registered in Settings > Roles and Responsibilities associated with positions and teams.

  4. Enable assessment for responsibles of initiatives

    Define whether or not the initiatives (activities) to be evaluated will appear in the Results phase. By selecting this option, other options will become available:

    4.1 Evaluate initiative owners: This option is the default, automatically selected when you select item 4. If you leave only this option checked, only the initiative managers will be evaluated.

    4.2 Evaluate responsibles and coresposibles for the initiatives: Select this option if you want that, besides the responsible persons, the co-responsible persons for the initiatives are also evaluated.

    NOTE - It is necessary that the initiative deadline date is included within the quarters selected for the review cycle (For example: if your cycle will evaluate the second quarter of the year, the initiative deadline for evaluation needs to be included in April, May, and June) in order for them to be included in the Performance Evaluation.

  5. View additional skill information

    If the competencies have details such as positive and negative aspects or expected behavior, enable this option so employees can access it during the evaluation.

  6. Display the self-assessment to the manager at the time of the response

    If the employee has already answered their self-evaluation before the manager evaluates them, the manager will have access to the answers given by the employee in their self-evaluation to support the distribution of grades.

  7. Only release the manager's assessment after the self-assessment has been answered

    The manager can only start the team member's evaluation if the team member has already completed their self-evaluation.

  8. Block grade review after assessment is released

    If the employee’s personal performance report is released before the cycle end date, the employee will not be able to review and make changes to their evaluation.

  9. Allow previous assessments

    Enables the Previous Evaluations tab during the evaluation of some employees you have evaluated before. In this way, you have access to the previous evaluation's scores and concepts to build on.

  10. Allow score confirmation

    Enables a grade confirmation tab every time an evaluation step is advanced.

  11. Show calculated factor

    This option allows during the evaluation the respondent to know how much the final average of the phase they are evaluating will provide.

  12. Show suggested score

    Enables the system to use the ‘suggested score’ option defined in ‘Evaluation Results’.

  13. Enable skills assessment by behaviors

    Here the behaviors registered in the competencies (defined in the competency menu under settings) will be used in the evaluation instead of evaluating the competency.

  14. View rating dashboard

    Allows you to display the dashboard in the evaluation of how many questions have been answered and how many are still pending, as displayed in the image below:

➡️Step 08 (Highlights)

Set whether or not employees can highlight competencies and values to be evaluated with priority over others.

  1. Allow users to select competencies as a highlight:

    Set how many competencies can be chosen by each appraisee.

  2. View the highlight chart:

    Set whether or not the highlights chart will be displayed in the results report.

    2.1 Allow users with 'management position type' to view their highlights: You can define whether or not the Manager will see the achievement chart for each appraisee.

    2.2 View the highlight chart: Define whether or not the highlights chart will be displayed in the results report for the appraisees.

  3. Allow users to select core values ​​as highlights:

    Set how many values may be chosen by each appraisee.

  4. Enable highlights for values ​​and skills in these types of assessments.

➡️Step 09 (Distribution)

Define what the distribution of Managers and Team will be in the evaluation, if you have both Manager and Team evaluation:

  1. Manager Distribution:

    1.1 - Team Manager: The team manager performs the evaluation.

    1.2 - Person manager: The direct manager (of the person) performs the evaluation.

    1.3 - Project Manager: The project manager (PODs) performs the evaluation.

  2. Team Distribution:

    2.1 - Functional team: The team evaluation will be performed by the team manager.

    2.2 - Project Team: The team evaluation will be done by the project manager (PODs).

    2.3 - Team based on the immediate manager: The team evaluation will be performed by the immediate manager (person's manager).

Check our article about PODs/Squads in Elofy here.

➡️Step 10 (Select sample)

Here you can select who can answer the evaluation. You can follow the process below:

  1. Open to all:

    This field allows you to see the cycle for all users in the company.

  2. Dynamic selection:

    You can filter the amount of people who will have access to the cycle. You can filter by type or professional level, by team, by individual employee, or by manager.

    When you make the public selection, you will have access to the list of selected employees just below. You can add or remove employees from the cycle on this tab, by clicking + Add or - Delete:

  3. Include disconnected people who worked at least:

    You can include users that have already been dismissed from the company, but due to having participated in the activities of the cycle period, they deserve to be evaluated. You can filter the dismissed users by the time in days that they worked in the beginning and ending quarters of the cycle.

➡️Step 11 (Message)

Indicate whether or not you want to send an email message to employees notifying them of the start of the performance evaluation.

➡️Step 12 (Notification)

Indicate whether or not you want to send an email notification to employees and how many days before the end of the evaluation it should be sent.

➡️Step 13 (Score definition)

After the phases have been created, the audiences have been defined, and the evaluations have been made, it is now time to define how the evaluation will be calculated. You can define weights for each audience type. You can also define whether the calculation rule will be average or sum, you just have to change it in the Calculation Regulation.

NOTE - The SUM calculation method is only valid for Evaluations that include the competencies stage, and its purpose is to indicate to the system that the weights of the competency categories should be taken into account when calculating the average.

➡️Step 14 (Completion)

To finish creating the evaluation, click Save.

After completing the creation, learn how to start the performance evaluation, click here.

And that's it!

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