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How to register a user?

In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to easily register users in Elofy.

Atualizado há mais de 2 anos

This article is intended for administrators. If you want to understand more about access profiles, click here.

After creating the teams, it's time to create the users! All employees will be available to participate in mood surveys, performance evaluations and send feedback all the time.

Follow the steps below to learn how to create it.

Step 01

Click Settings > Users.

Step 02

Click on + User.

Step 03

1. Photo: When you start creating a user, first set the photo;

2. Name: Enter the employee's name;

3. Email: Enter the email where the employee will receive system notifications. If the login is via gmail or microsoft, enter the user email here. To learn more about it, click here;

NOTE - Due to security reasons, on this screen, changing the User's email can be blocked. To learn more about it, click here.

4. Admission date: Enter the day on which the employee was hired by the company. This data is important so that, later on, the employee can participate in the temporal research, and also in the performance evaluation;

5. Login: This is the email the employee will use to log into the platform. If the integrations mentioned in point 2 are used, both the LOGIN and EMAIL fields must include the same information.

6. Level of Responsibility (optional): Define the level of responsibility of the user being created. You can use filters in the system to view only information from users with the same level of responsibility or apply evaluations according to the level (example: 1 - trainee, 2 - junior, 3 - full, and 4 - senior).

NOTE - Only administrator users are able to view the level of responsibility, in other words, this data does not appear on the platform for other users.

7. % of remuneration (optional): Define the % of market compensation related to the employee's position, and enter that information in this field. This information can be seen in the results and calibration reports and ninebox.

8. Office: Define the employee's position and press ENTER. You can also create positions in the positions screen and filter by the one intended when creating the user;

9. Team: Choose the team the employee will be part of. To learn how to create a team, click here;

10. Manager: Define the user's manager;

11. Position type: Indicate whether the user is a manager (for admin and manager users) or a collaborator;

12. Accessible teams: Indicate which teams the user will have access to in addition to their own. To understand this feature, click here;

13. POD: You can also define which POD/SQUAD the user belongs to. This definition is important in case the user is assessed by the POD manager and not the direct manager, on the performance evaluation. To learn more about it, click here;

14. Profile: Define a user's permission profile. Click here to see how to create the profile. You can define more than one profile for each user, and permissions are cumulative;

15. Status: Set the STATUS as active;

16. Key contributor: You can also set the user as a key employee to subsequently analyze the succession. To learn more about it, click here.

Step 04

Now just click save.

And that’s it!!

If you have any questions, please contact us, we'll be glad to help!

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