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How to calibrate employees' scores in 9box?

In this article, you will learn how to calibrate employees’ scores in 9box after a Performance Evaluation.

Updated over 2 years ago

NOTE - This article is intended for administrators and managers, who have the required access profile in Elofy. If you want to learn more about access profiles, click here.

You can calibrate employees' scores in 9box's quadrants. To do so, follow the steps below.

Step 01

Go to the career > 9box.

Step 02

On the 9box screen, select the wanted evaluation cycle. Other filters can also be used.

Step 03

To start the calibration, access the quadrant including the employees you want to change. To do so, you just have to click on the quadrant:

Step 04

Next, click on the employee to see the information:

Step 05

First, define whether or not the employee is a key employee or a Talent Employee inside your company.

  • Key employee: A key employee is an individual who is somehow involved in the company's activities and results, and whose functions have an impact on the future of the business.

  • Talent Employee: A Talent Employee is a professional who stands out with their sense of responsibility and also through their skills and performance, and therefore should be recognized in the company.

Step 06

In order to calibrate it, in the 9box tab, select the new employee's position in ‘Calibrate’.

NOTE - The employee's change of position must be in accordance with the limits of each quadrant, in other words, if their grade is lower than the minimum value of the "enigma" quadrant, for example, they cannot be transferred to this quadrant. To learn more about it, click here.

In addition, you can add notes related to the change in calibration.

Step 07

To save, just click on ‘Adjust Position’.

Later, you can undo the employee’s calibration so that they return to their previous quadrant. Just access the user's data, by the quadrant they are in, and on the 9box tab, click on ‘Decalibrate’.

Step 08

Finally, you can choose to see the 9box with or without calibrated grades to understand the impact of the changes. To do so, enable or disable the "see without calibrations" option.

And that's it!

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